What we do
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In the United States alone, there are more than 23 million children being raised by a single parent and, according to UNICEF, there are roughly 153 million orphans worldwide. This staggering number is daunting, but we are confident that the matrix of holistic support we envision will become the catalyst that leads to stronger, healthier children, families, communities, and – ultimately – nations.
Delivering solutions
people in need
We make it safe, easy, and fun for anyone who would like to give and Share with Orphans Globally anywhere in the world. Want to raise money for your favorite cause? Please Contact SWOG through email.
Any non-profit Orphanages , anywhere in the world can join to create a safety environment and access tools, training, one-on-one support for the children and single Mom around the world.
List of Orphanages in Congo DRC
In Kinshasa so far we know 15 orphanages and a total of 460 children who live in those 15 orphanages.
List of Orphanages in Tanzania
Tanzania Dar es salaam and Kigoma Total of 208
Mission Statement
At SWOG, our mission is to help orphans and single parents develop attainable goals by fostering a home for them that gives hope, care, and comfort in an environment that looks after their needs.
Vision Statement
We envision for a world where every child has the equal access to all their basic needs,
including but not limited to, education, health, shelter, food and clothing.
Share with Orphans is a community surrounded non-profit organizations dedicated to enriching, empowering, and transforming the lives of orphans and vulnerable kids.
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Education,Health care,Faith,Hope, Love 1 Corinthians 13:13
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Education Program
Our aim is to develop positive school cultures on the basis of the rights
Online Fundraising
We are dedicated to improving lives and building a future for poor children
Save The World
Our vision is to provide clean environment to developing the world
What Donors Say
We always consider peoples and our donor’s motivational words and their thought for making a better poverty free world